
Multi-criteria experimentation and conception of building components and materials

Résumé :

In the of building design, this paper try and demonstrate that architects may bring useful innovation in components and materials design, and furthermore sipposes that experimentation is one of the good way to reach it. This idea is found on an observation of several trends and evolutions in the building industry that shows the links between architetural design and industrial materials production.
In the first part of the development, different ways of designing components are presented, one depends of industrial supply, and the other of architect s demanded. Then cases studies illustrate how innovations are elaborated. In the second part of the paper, the different manners and meanings of experimentation are studied.
As a conclusion, different ways of experimentation are studied, using multi-criteria method, including physicochemical measures of the behaviour of materials, and qualities relative to human perception. The difficultés of this multi-criteria process are in the resolution of the conflict conflict between the two types of tests. It requires methods able to model all the criteria as it is done in project management. It needs a hierarchy scheme to classify the criteria and it also needs to introduce variable parameters for adapting the scheme to different cultures, because human perception is relative to its culture field.

Conférence IESM (International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management) Marrakech, Maroc 16-19 Mai 2005

Mai 2005
