
THE FOLD, A TOOL OF DESIGN ARCHITECTURAL STRUCTURES: Development of a structural and formal language in wood material

Résumé :

This paper deals with a research in the field of folded architectural structures. We specifically discuss the technical components of CLT (Cross Laminated Timber) panels. We suggest a digital environment which allows a pleated structure to be adjusted to an architectural form drawn by the designer, while corroborating stability and joining. Consisting of a geometric parametric modeler coupled with structural analysis software, it guides the architect designer in the research of folded forms, improves the reliability of structural proposals and provides digital files for automated manufactured panels.
Keywords: Architecture, Pleated structure, CLT (Cross Laminated Timber), Parametric modeling.

Global Civil Engineering & Applied Science Conference, 8-10 janvier 2014, Seoul (Corée du Sud)

Janvier 2014
