
Structuring of Architectural Technical Documentation with an Hypermedia Model

Résumé :

The technical documentation on building products is included in a complex system of information exchanges. Its role is to inform and to aide the designer to choose the most adapted product regarding to its realization. The definition of an universal structuring model of the technical documentation is arduous, indeed utopian considering the great number of products and the diversity of relative information. To document is the base entity of documentation structuring and it represents a coherent informative unit. We propose a model of document hypermedia strusturing. This model allows the definition, the presentation, the navigation and the retrieval of general information on building proceducts by a document manipulation. It is associated with a hypermedia design method adapted to document management. This methode proposes, after the identification of the user, three phases of hypermedia definition: data definition, navigation, definition and user interface definition. The model of a hypermedia structuring of the technical documentation proposed in this article is at once independent of avalaible information on products, open, and easier the addition of new navigational functions.

Séoul, Corée - 19-21 août 1997

Août 1997
