
Micro BIM adoption in design firms: Guidelines for doing a BIM implementation plan

Résumé :

Building Information Modeling (BIM) adoption is significantly increasing and is highly supported by governmental bodies because it has great potential for the construction sector. Nevertheless, some firms do not know how to proceed for implementation. Many design firms have also already adopted BIM, so feedback is now available: several research on BIM implementation have shown that there is a lack of understanding of implementation process and a need for guidelines. Moreover, these research work, case studies and action-research have not been cross-referenced in any significant way to deduce generic and adapted guidelines for firms that are now embracing BIM implementation. In this paper, guidelines for doing a four-phases BIM implementation plan are proposed, by referencing, cross-checking, comparing, and synthetizing case studies of BIM implementation in design firms and change management literature.

Proceedings of the Creative Construction Conference 2019 (CCC2019). Budapest, Hongrie. 29 juin 2019. Disponible sur le site Research gate:

Juin 2019
